Experienced Aircraft Component Repair

Straton is a certified FAA Repair Station (#XTRR859K) and EASA service vendor for repair of components for helicopter and fixed wing aircraft.

Full-Service Capabilities

Our full-service machining facility specializes in O.D./I.D. grinding and managing outside process such as plating and NDT. Typical aircraft components handled include:

  • Actuators

  • Carriers+

  • Flanges

  • Gear Boxes

  • Housings

  • Hydraulic Shafts

  • Landing Gear

  • Liner Replacement

  • Pistons

  • Bearing Journals and Bores

  • Rotors

We provide full-service management of all processes involved with the FAA component repair.

Handling FAA component repair involves meticulous attention to detail and adherence to strict regulations. Consequently, it's crucial to ensure safety and compliance throughout the entire repair process. You can trust Straton to ensure that the management of these processes meets all FAA standards.

Nickel and Chrome Plating

  • Nickel and Chrome Plating

  • Thermal Spray

  • NDT

  • Alodine

  • Anodize

  • Shot Peen

  • Painting

FAA Drug and Alcohol Program

Straton is fully compliant with the FAA drug and alcohol program for the aviation industry.

Your precision manufacturing partner